Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Snow, and a card update

Hiya folks. Well, we're settling in for a long night here at Tremper Hills. With 7" of snow already on the ground, tonight's forecast is looking pretty scary:

Experts are predicting that this winter storm will be the biggest and baddest in the Pacific Northwest in decades; since the 1980s. I have been living here since the late 1980s, and I remember some pretty bad ones. So if this one tops that, I'm worried. especially now that I'm a homeowner with 5 huge evergreen trees in my back yard. If the winds blow and the snow falls like they predict, I might end up with an 85' cedar tree in my kitchen. Let's hope not.

Anyhow, Hubba Hubba Hubby bought a snow shovel and ice melt and worked on the driveway today, so at least that's cleared. My office decided to close tomorrow and we're all working from home, so I'm fortunate that I don't even have to think about leaving the house.

But I will get stir crazy, so you might see some disgruntled blog posts tomorrow. Or maybe I'll strap on my cross-country skis and take a stroll through the neighborhood. That sounds nice, actually!

So, because of the snow, I'm feeling inspired to make Christmas cards. And yes, I did want to have them done way in advance of next Christmas, and there's no time like the present.

So here's today's card. I was flipping through my expandable folder of dies when I saw my picket fence die (PTI), and thought to myself, "I wonder if the string of lights from Holiday Lights would fit on the fence?" Well, guess what? They did! But I didn't think the bulbs would show up on the kraft fence, so I went all out with lots of bling instead.

Whaddya think? With all that bling on there, I don't think I'll be making many more like this. I'll have to save this card for someone really special next Christmas.

OK, well the Hubs and I decided to take the Jeep out and grab some stick-to-your-ribs dinner tonight as we prepare to hibernate through the storm. Wish us luck!

1 comment:

  1. Fantastic card! I love the way you've use the rhinestones for the string of lights, and the way you stamped it onto that adorable fence. Good luck with the storm! I hope you all stay safe and sound. ;-)
