Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Dude Card

So here it is again. The time of my life where I'm faced with the challenge of creating a Dude card. I'm not sure if other folks struggle with this, but I'll tell you what; it's not easy for me! The majority of my stamps are flowers, or pretty little doilies or frames with scripted sentiments. Not exactly dude material.

But I remember that killer patterned paper from the PTI holiday release, and thought that the colors of those diagonal stripes would be a fitting base.

So I whipped that out, punched the corners with my corner punch (I have no idea who makes it or when/where I got it, but I bought it for our wedding invitations 3 years ago) to give a little masculine architectural interest, and took it from there. Now the Dude that this is for is turning 41, so all those cute little boy images wouldn't work, either. But I made a little tag-looking-thingy, busted out a few banner strips to make it looks like a present, and voila. Dude birthday card.


1 comment:

  1. This is great, it is always to hard making a nice card for a man without reverting to pictures of motorbikes or football.
