Friday, August 3, 2012

Card Magic!

Well hello, everybody! It's been a LONG time! Sorry for the radio silence. Not really sure what's going on around here, but I just haven't been feeling the mojo lately. It's summertime, and I think the sunshine calls to me a little more than my craft room.

Nonetheless, I made a card last week, and I wanted to share it with you! The ever-talented and creative Amy Wanford has made a couple of cards using this technique, and I figured it was about time I try my hand at it, too. She explains her technique in this post here. OK, so I guess it's not so much a tutorial, but I'm pretty savvy when it comes to figuring these kinds of things out, so I just reverse engineered the design (sounds smart, eh?) and figured it out all by my onesies.

So here's the card as it begins. Not too exciting, but see those little arrows on the ribbon tails? Yep, go ahead and start pulling...

WHAT THE WHAT? Keep pulling...

Holy magical colored cupcake, Batman!

And voila! There you have it. A fun little card and gift tag all in one!

Well folks, that's it for today. The sunshine is calling, and I have some serious weeds to tackle. Have a great weekend!